The Corbin Family

The Corbin Family

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring is here! March 2011

The Spring is here and we are super active!  Sidney has started her first year of T-ball.  She has been super excited about the uniform, glove, and cleats..........but not so much the actual physical exercise.  Hmmmm....sounds vaguely familiar.  :) 

I was so proud of her at her first practice and her first at bat.  She hit the ball right off the tee on her first try!  See above with the red arrow pointing to her ball in mid flight! 

My favorite thing about T-ball at this age is that the kids have no idea what is going on.  They all run right for the ball when it's hit and then have no idea where to throw it.  It cracks me up! 

We 'inheirited' a trampoline for the girls.  One of the coolest things about being in the Army is that when you move you give away so much great and useful stuff.  And it's even better when you are on the receiving end!  Our lovely neighbors, the Garner's, moved to Fort Hood and gave us their trampoline!  The girls are thrilled!  But I think it's James that is having the best time.  He is such a big kid and a great daddy!

Shortly after this picture was taken Sidney lost knocked out her first tooth on the trampoline.  She claims it was an accident, but I think she whacked her face on the soccer ball on purpose because all her friends had already lost teeth. 

Amelia, Amelia, Amelia she is a friend to all creatures great and small.  She LOVES to look at the tiny ants that crawl across our sidewalk.  Sometimes I will look closely and she has let 20 or 30 of them crawl across into her hands.  Luckily these ants are just harmless "Sweet Ants" but when we go back to Georgia and there are fire ants she is going to be in a world of hurt!

My baby bump is growing and growing!  I feel better now but I have been so tired this pregnancy.  Some mornings it's all I can do to get up and get Sidney to school on time.  I had morning sickness similar to when I was pregnant with Amelia, so we are thinking this might be another little sister.  I am craving chocolate cheesecake and whole milk!  When I was pregnant with Amelia I craved steak, and not just any steak but Filet Mignon!  When I was pregnant with Sidney I wanted hot wings and cucumbers.  I guess there is really no rhyme or reason to pregnancy cravings, just food and a lot of it!
This pic is around 19 weeks.
The girls love to pretend they have babies in their bellies too!