The Corbin Family

The Corbin Family

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Day the Girls decided to cut their hair......

Well, I don't even know how to start this one. I suppose it was a matter of time. I thought I had dodged the bullet of the "I am going to cut a big whack out of my hair", but it looks like I got hit. Bullseye actually.

On Saturday, Sidney comes in the bathroom and asks for a hair clip. I give her one and don't think much about it. She is always playing with her hair: clips, bows, headbands, brushing, etc. But then I noticed she has wet her hair, on only one side. I think "Hmmm..that's weird." Then I see IT. The missing 5 inches of her hair. Once there was long beautiful blonde hair, now there is short blonde side bangs?!?! I was so shocked all I could say was "WHERE is your hair?" She instantly starts crying and comes to show us her work.

Honestly, it's not that bad. It really looks like a real haircut.

But still..I am mad.

I ground her from TV, movies, and video games for 3 days.

Oh, the catastrophe could have been so much worst.

Then I tell her that Santa doesn't bring toys to naughty little girls that cut their own hair. And here's what happened.

She was very upset. But I told her that we would write Santa a letter and apologize for cutting her hair and her would forgive her and still bring her toys. She calmed down, a little. And I took this picture of her handy work. Really not to bad.
Well, the next morning Sidney and I are coloring a picture together and Amelia is playing downstairs in the toy room. Up she comes. Just smiling and happy as can be.

"Look Mommy! I cut my hair too!"

Surely not. This can't be happening.

"No, you didn't" I say. And I reach to touch her hair....and 6 inches fall off in my hands.

Yes, she climbed onto my craft table, onto my bookshelf and got my sewing scissors down so she too could cut her hair. Just like big sis.


Amelia does not have a future in cosmetology because she designed herself a mullet.
A bad mullet, at that. Ohhhh....all that beautiful hair.

But she is just as proud as she can be. That's the difference between these 2 children of mine. Sidney is heartbroken that she has disappointed me. Amelia could care less.

James said a few weeks ago "If Amelia knew what the middle finger meant she would use it all the time." But always with a smile.

Days like these I just think of how boring my life would be without them. You can't help but to smile when you have a little face smiling back at you.

And Sidney even forced a smile for Santa. :)

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